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Chessby’s Public Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

At Chessby, we are committed to promoting gender equality in chess by fostering an inclusive and diverse community. Our Gender Equality Plan (GEP) outlines our approach to ensuring equal opportunities for all players, educators, and organizers within our platform.

Key Commitments:

    1. Equal Representation
        • Encourage the participation of women and underrepresented groups in chess communities and events.

        • Feature diverse role models in our educational content and marketing materials.

    1. Inclusive Platform Design
        • Ensure that Chessby’s platform language, design, and functionalities are welcoming to all genders.

        • Use gender-neutral communication and customizable user profiles.

    1. Education & Awareness
        • Develop and promote chess courses that highlight gender diversity in chess history and strategy.

        • Offer training programs and resources to support women-led chess initiatives.

    1. Safe & Supportive Environment
        • Implement community guidelines and reporting mechanisms to prevent discrimination or harassment.

        • Partner with organizations that advocate for gender equality in chess.

    1. Leadership & Opportunities
        • Support women chess coaches, content creators, and event organizers through our marketplace and community-building tools.

        • Provide visibility and financial incentives for female-led chess initiatives.

    1. Tracking & Accountability
        • Set measurable goals for gender diversity in Chessby’s user base, event participation, and leadership roles.

        • Regularly review and update policies to ensure continuous improvement.

By integrating gender equality into the core of Chessby, we aim to democratize chess, making it more accessible, diverse, and representative of the global chess community.

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